Coaching and Training

Leadership effectiveness is the key to organizational success – there is simply no substitute for strong leadership. Every organizational shortcoming is directly related to ineffective leadership. What is the most useful strategy to continuously improve leadership effectiveness? Executive coaching and leadership training, of course!

The story goes that the directions to get out of your box are printed on the outside of the box; it’s always helpful to get quality outside support to help shift your perspective, your paradigm, and your mindset to get out of your box and start getting better outcomes.

Change Management

Every organization and leader wants to improve their performance in some way. However, performance improvement is impossible without positive change, yet people and organizations are inherently resistant to change. Resistance to change is resistance to improvement.  Sustainable improvement is hard because sustainable positive change is hard.

Positive change doesn’t just happen; it requires courageous, conscious leadership.  It requires a new vision and better strategies. It means replacing old habits of behavior and thinking with better, more effective habits.  And if the positive change is going to be sustainable, it requires a corresponding positive change in work culture throughout the organization. Executive coaching and leadership training are the best strategies to develop the courage, consciousness, and leadership effectiveness to drive sustainable positive change.

Ready to lead the change you seek?

Take the next steps to be a leading innovator in healthcare. With PI consulting as a partner, you will have the courage to make changes.

Effective Executive Coaching

Change Your Perspective, Change Your Paradigm

Changing how you see things — your perspective — can change everything else and lead to an entirely new paradigm.  One of the coaching processes is for the coach to be a ‘thinking partner’ with the client, feeding back what they hear as the current thinking and helping the client explore new, different ways of thinking about the same issue. While this process is simple in concept, the results can b powerful.

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Most of our behaviors and thoughts occur on autopilot as habits throughout the day. We form most of these habits mindlessly and are not aware of them.  They drive everything from how we sleep, eat, and exercise to how we think, communicate, and solve problems. Replacing bad habits with better habits can be powerfully assisted with the support of coaching.

Consciousness is the Key

Consciousness is the foundational key to effective leadership, changing habits, eliminating drama from your work, and most other good things in life. There are many tools to cultivate and practice consciousness, from meditating to journaling. Coaching is another excellent process for developing and practicing self-awareness and consciousness.

Transformational Training

Leadership Fundamentals

This is an excellent course for new leaders looking for their first formal leadership training experience and experienced leaders looking for a refresher.  It covers leadership traits, leadership principles, and the process of leadership. Everyone who masters the skills taught in this class will be a strong, effective leader.

Conscious Leadership

This masterclass training is the ultimate expression of leadership — conscious leadership.  It builds on the Fundamentals of Leadership training and goes deep into radical responsibility, consciousness, courage, character, vision, and communication.  It is inspired by the work of the Conscious Leadership Group, including their book, “The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership.”  This training is powerful and transformational. Like all training classes, it pairs well with coaching for the participants to support them in practicing and mastering new skills.

Habit Mastery

Most of our behavior and thought processes throughout the day are habitual.  Most of our habits are formed unintentionally and unconsciously yet are deeply ingrained and remain unconscious most of the time. We cannot improve our performance unless we become aware of our habits and learn how to change them effectively and sustainably. This class is a deep dive into understanding how habits are formed, how to inventory your habits, how to eliminate bad ones, and how to cultivate new, good habits, and more.

Are you committed to zero-harm?

Take the next steps to be a changemaker in the healthcare industry. PI Consulting is here to be your partner every step of the way.